Three Kids and a Dog

Friday, December 30, 2022

Peyton Turns 13!

Yikes! Another teenager in the house, as Hailey put it! On December 30, Peyton turned 13 and was all
about demanding that we not be in Michigan for her birthday but instead home (since we weren't spending it on some great vacation).

She told me this three months ago actually so when tickets to a musical (Dear Evan Hansen) she would like went on sale in September, I bought them for a fun activity for the family to do on her birthday. The play was about high school and fitting in and the perils of social media. 

We went to a 2pm show because Peyton wanted to go to Michael Jordan's Steakhouse for dinner. But before then we opened presents - more Lululemon, Nike Air Max tennis shoes, make up, a photo printer for her iPhone along with fun stuff for a teenage girl's room. 

We were busy all day/night and I think that's what she enjoyed - that the day was all about her. Actually, she may have said that she would have enjoyed it a bit more if it was just mom and dad spending the day with her! (And, Austen who liked the play minus the singing might've been happier to stay home. Hailey who didn't want to go at first actually liked the musical but that's probably because it had some swears in it!). 

So in honor of Peyton's 13 years, here are 13 things to know about Peyton right now:

1. She loves to go on vacations and does hours of research on activities and restaurants.

2. She gets injured a lot - like the other day when she tripped in her Ugg slippers coming out of the bathroom, went down in a heap on the floor crying hysterically and I told Tom that she was going to ask to miss her first day back at swim practice because of it (and I was right - but she went anyway). 

3. She loves attention. Show her any bit of attention and she'll be your friend for life.

4. She can be quite shy and unsure of herself. I can't even get her to go into a store to pick up something because "she doesn't know what to say."

5. She's incredibly strong. Make a muscle, I ask her, and she shows me a "Popeye-sized" bicep.

6.  She has a knack for doing the least amount of work when help is needed or pulling a Houdini when we  ask her to help out.

7. She is a self starter - manager of her own homework, tests and all things school. (I'm sure glad I don't have to micromanage her schoolwork.)

8. She's very artistic. She loves to create whether it's drawing her own shoes, playing and building Legos or making a clay fox for her sister, she has some serious art skills (well, at least much better than mine). 

9. She loves animals. 

10. Her current future career is a marine biologist and is very into the ocean and surfing (which she first tried this past spring break when we were in Hawaii). 

11. Her room is no longer the messiest in the house (She's gotten neater and Hailey has taken over that award now.)

12. She can finally sit in the front seat (of the car) now (although she keeps forgetting). 

13. She loves steak, french fries and all things chocolate. 

Happy Birthday P!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Xmas 2022

Here we are three Christmases since COVID first hit and we are still dealing with it and its aftermath. We did get to enjoy a family Christmas Eve with my side of the family but that's always a quick holiday and a little bit of a rush since either our family or my brother's family only has a few short hours to spend together since we are rushing off to be with the other side. Still, we ate, we drank and we caught up as best we could. My parents have cut down on the number of gifts they give (thankfully) so the unwrapping goes a lot quicker and everyone still gets plenty of presents.

On Christmas Day this year, we were supposed to go to Tom's side of the family but our hosts had two kids (son and daughter in law) with COVID so we didn't think it was wise to attend. Another sister in law also had COVID too so that really put a damper on our celebrating together. We did manage to see Tom's mom and share a few hours with her. Tom made a fun cocktail and we had some appetizers while listening to stories of the kids' polish ancestors. We made it home to cook our own last minute meal (thankful for those Omaha steaks, au gratin potatoes and apple crisp that were sent to Tom from a vendor). We added our own asparagus, fresh rolls and a salad to call it a bit of a good meal. It wasn't what we planned for our family get together that day but it was certainly better than chancing everyone getting COVID.

The kids still got everything they wanted and probably more than they were expecting. Austen got a letterman's jacket for his high school letters along with memberships to a Stretch Lab and Recovery Room for sports among other gifts. Peyton got airpods, lots of Lululemon and some surfing apparel. Hailey got a lap desk, her own first Lululemon gear and a big Bluey camper van complete with a jeep with surfboards. It wasn't a crazy Christmas of presents as we all have agreed that we'd rather spend money on our spring break or other trips then open so much stuff at Christmas. But it was a nice one even still with lots of upcoming vacations to look forward to this year. 

Merry (COVID) Christmas 2022! We had one who still believed (shhh!).

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Wrong Way Driver! Yikes!

I've been meaning to write this post for awhile now but something more recent always comes up. It does seem appropriate now when we are into the holiday season and there is much to be grateful for this year. 

Almost two months ago, we were coming back from one of Austen's Friday night soccer matches. I remember it was a Friday because we wouldn't have normally ventured out for dinner if it was during the week. Austen wanted to go home and shower so Tom and I ordered a pizza at a place by his office (about 12 minutes south of our house). We decided to both go pick it up so we left the kids at home.

The weather was cool that night. Not unseasonably cool. Just a nice fall night. No rain or inclement weather. Traffic was normal or if anything a little light. It was probably close to 8:00pm when we were almost home on Rte 83 - a four lane (two each way) divided highway with a concrete barrier in between. Up ahead we noticed cars violently swerving. It was dark so we couldn't see what it was they were trying to avoid and they were also just reaching the top of a hill. We were in the far right lane as we were almost at our exit when we noticed a car coming towards us head on. The car to our left swerved even closer to us to avoid a head on collision. The oncoming car was clearly going the wrong way and at a good clip of speed (probably 40-50mph). 

We exited and waited with bated breath as our exit took us back over Rte. 83 on a bridge where we could see traffic at a standstill. It was just a wall of headlights. Later, we found out that the driver was drunk and did hit someone head on but no one was seriously injured. Thankfully we avoided her and other cars were able to for the most part to protect themselves. All I could think of was what if my almost 16 year old was driving back from the pizza place. How would he have reacted to this when it would have been hard for an experienced driver? Scary moments for sure. 

Once again we are blessed to have more than a few people "up there" looking out for us. So as we reflect on this year, I'm grateful that Tom and I were able to return home to our three kids that night with a pizza instead of someone having to go to our house and tell them news that would have altered their lives. All because someone had to drive their car after having too much to drink.  

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

They Finally Did It!

The girls finally mustered up the courage to get their ears pierced a little over a week ago. They had been talking about finally doing it but had to wait until soccer and cheerleading were over.

So we decided on early December. Hailey's state cheer was done and Peyton was free. One of my friend's who is a pediatrician pierces ears in her practice and I didn't want to just take them to Claire's so I asked her and she was happy to do it for the girls. 

We made an appointment two days after Hailey's cheer was done and you would have thought that I made it for that moment because the minute I told them they both started having second thoughts. I knew I needed to get them to just do it because they both really wanted to do it but were just scared it would hurt. 

My friend, Melanie, was great. She had a whole set up where she let them pick out their stud earrings and then she went through how to care for them after and finally she had them do some breathing techniques as she could see they both were a little nervous. Luckily, Melanie does both ears at once so the whole thing is over in a split second. 

Peyton picked rather conservative studs too (even though she has bigger ear lobes) while Hailey opted for a bigger, flashier pair. Peyton went first and said it didn't even really hurt. Then Hailey mustered up enough courage. We were in and out in 15 minutes with newly pierced ears! 

Finally, they did it at almost 13 and 9 years old! I definitely didn't wait that long (I was 4!). But they are both excited to wear other earrings they put on their Xmas lists too (or in Hailey's case, ones she got for her bday). Only 4 more weeks until they can take them out! Hooray!


Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Soccer in FL and State Cheer Competitions

Last week, I had to make sure that I called in to school for two out of three of my kids. On Wednesday night, Austen and I left for Florida. He was playing three of his league games at the ESPN Sports Complex in Orlando.  Meanwhile, Hailey's rec cheer team qualified for the state meet so she needed to perform on Thursday morning and Saturday morning at a local college about 25 minutes away. 

Austen's games had been planned first so I was already going to those when Hailey's team qualified for state (the only ones in their rec cheer program to do so out of all 7 teams). But that meant not being there to make sure that Hailey's hair was in a high pony tail for competition so I had to leave one of the coaches in charge of her hair. Tom just learned how to do a basic pony so there was no way I was going to get him to master a high pony with slick backed hair! 

Anyway, I prepared everything including getting Hailey to shower right before I left and setting her hair as best I could for the next morning to make things easier for everyone. 

We arrived in FL late due to a delay but were up early the next morning to drive Austen to his 10am game. They played a Tampa team and won 3-0. Austen scores on a great header. After the game it was brunch with the team and then off to Universal's Islands of Adventure with a few parents and kids where we rode all the roller coasters (Hulk, Velocicoaster, Hogwarts) and did all the 3D rides too. Of course Disney is simply amazing so these all were too. We were only at the park about 4.5 hours but we didn't really have to wait for any rides since it wasn't that crowded. We ended the evening at Taverna Opa, a Greek restaurant with belly dancers (Austen and Jimmy had fun dancing with them!). We also had a nice introduction to Greek food by one of Austen's teammates' parent. 

At home, Hailey performed her first routine for 25% of their score. They were solid but apparently it wasn't their best performance. Hoping for a better round on Saturday. 

On Thursday, I had organized a World Cup brunch viewing for the boys and our parents at a close by restaurant since our game wasn't til 4pm. The boys had a blast watching the games together and the parents really enjoyed it too. Success! The game was a battle right out of the gate and it took our boys a little bit to match the intensity of the other team. At the beginning of the second half, a quick and strong Boston team scored on us only to be answered by Austen with a quick touch and shot off a great cross from one of his teammates. Final score 1-1. That evening, we had made reservations at an Italian place by our hotel so we had more team together time which these boys needed and really did enjoy (especially since 7 of the 18 rostered for this weekend were completely new to the team). 

Saturday brought an early final cheerleading competition. The girls did great and performed better than on Thursday but still did not place in the top 3 (although they should be very proud that they even qualified). 

Austen's game on Saturday was another battle against another Boston team. The score went back and forth. It was exciting and exhausting. Austen contributed another stellar goal as well as an assist before the final 4-4 score. 

After that it was back to the airport for our flight home and to see the girls and Tom to catch up on our separate weekends of competitions! 

Jimmy & Austen - Back together again after two years apart playing for different clubs

Our State cheerleader

Islands of Adventure

World Cup Viewing - these boys are close!

World Cup Viewing - Parents and Players!

Hailey's State 3rd Grade Rec Cheer Team
(she's back row, 4th cheerleader from left)

Sunday, December 04, 2022

Thanksgiving and Tree Cutting 2022

I'm past the one week mark again for posting so need to get in some Thanksgiving weekend updates! 

Szurgot Thanksgiving
The day before Thanksgiving break, I had two kids home sick. Lucky me. I'm already behind and then I had two kids under the weather to add to a whole week off for them. Hailey was just very congested while Peyton said her ear hurt and she didn't feel great. Luckily a lot of days home that weekend (well, Peyton had to swim on Saturday and Sunday but she recovered fairly quickly. I secretly think she wanted to get out of her Friday swim meet because she didn't like what she was swimming even though Saturday was way worse!). 

Anyhow, that week proved to be busy with my dad undergoing knee replacement surgery on Tuesday, with a Wednesday discharge and then Austen finally getting out of school on Wednesday afternoon. Thankfully we weren't hosting this year so we got to have a pretty low key Thanksgiving morning before heading to my brother and sister in laws place. It was a small group this year - just 10 of us compared to more than 20 most years but we still had way too much food and drink and some good laughs too. Lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving after Grandma broke her leg and others we know who have passed on or been diagnosed with cancer.  

On Friday, we were slow moving but we made it to Michigan just in time to watch the USA vs. England in the World Cup. What a game  that ended in a tie but it was fun to watch before we tried a new Mexican place in South Haven for dinner and then drove to Grand Rapids for a drive thru light show at their minor league ball park. 

Our annual tree cutting with friends was Saturday so off we went to meet our friends, tailgate and then cut down our Xmas tree. The pickings were slim this year as the tree farms have been experiencing tree shortages. It was pretty sparse last year but this year was tough. We had to change the type of tree we wanted this year just to ensure we could get one that wasn't brown or below the height requirement. I heard next year is going to be worse so we may have change our plan. Anyway, this year we went with the white pine which has those long needles and is very pretty but just not for heavy ornaments. After we all took longer than expected picking out our tree, we went to lunch at the Stray Dog in New Buffalo which is always a good time. We've grown so busy that it had been almost 5 months since we'd seen some of our closest friends (who don't live so close) so it was nice to catch up. 

"Santa, I want a lap desk"
Saturday night and Sunday morning called for decorating before taking Austen to a local soccer ID camp (which he said was terrible) and then meeting Tom and the girls at our club for their annual gingerbread decorating lunch. This year, Hailey and I worked together while Peyton and Tom collaborated. Hailey came up with our idea and I executed while Hailey helped fetch supplies and stick on the candy! Peyton had an idea all in her head that she couldn't articulate to Tom. I could feel his pain as last year, Peyton was more a "fly by the seat of your pants" kind of gingerbread planner and ours didn't look as great. The girls still had fun though and Hailey was super proud of ours and begged me to put it on "Instagram" for people to vote for their favorite! 

We ended the day by picking up Austen, visiting my Dad and then trying for two hours to get my car to recognize either of our keys so it would start and we could go home. After two hours, the kids were hungry and tired and we gave up, left the car in my Dad's driveway. Squeezed one of his cars out of the garage and took it home to end the night. Needless to say, I had to return the next day to help my Dad but also deal with my car being towed because it wouldn't recognize the key (something about a synchronization issue). Thanks BMW!  

Through it all, I'm still grateful though! Grateful for my husband who works so hard at home and at work. My kids' health. My parents - that they are getting healthy. Extended Family. Friends. My very lovable but a lot of work dog. And, just that I get to live this journey called life. May we all be blessed to live it as long as we can. 

Tree Farm w/ the family

Sadie enjoying Dudeck's Pine Country

Peyton and Tom's gingerbread house

Hailey and Karyn's creation