Peyton and Hailey Start 7th and 3rd Grades
On Monday, our girls started the 7th (Peyton) and 3rd grades (Hailey). Austen will begin after Labor Day due to construction on his school but he's in full sports mode right now which is nice not to have to do school AND sports. More on him in my next post but back to the girls...
Peyton wasn't as nervous as last year or maybe she was more nervous. Because of COVID they really haven't had a normal year - they had to wear masks, couldn't use their lockers, didn't dress for PE and there was no hot lunch. So this year has been new to a lot of the middle schoolers. Her lock gave her some trouble and we've had work orders drawn up to get it fixed. She thought it was her and she couldn't do it but it's definitely the locker (during curriculum night last night, I tried along with the social worker and neither of us could get it open). There were nerves about dressing for PE from all the girls. But Peyton reported there was a long line to change in the bathroom (which the PE teachers frowned upon because they really don't have enough time) but Peyton said it wasn't that bad. I'm sure she'll get used to it and it's a right of passage anyway. She's liking the ability to buy food from the cafeteria and today was her first day buying lunch (not just snacks). I met all her teachers last night at curriculum night and told her how lucky she was that they are so young and fun, and really have a vested interest in wanting the kids to do well. I think she's going to have a great year!Hailey on the other hand was not thrilled with her teacher assignment for the 3rd grade. It's the same 3rd grade teacher Austen had and probably not one of my favorites. In all fairness, the teacher was going through a divorce at the time but trying to be positive, I told Hailey that I thought her and her teacher would be a perfect fit because they are both sarcastic and funny. And wouldn't you know, she called me from her "watch phone" as soon as she was steps out of the building on the first day of school to let me know she loves her teacher and that she is so "nice." Plus, it helps that many of her friends (boys/girls) are in her class too. Third Grade is also a special year because they finally get to ride their bikes to school too after completing the bike rodeo (a school test on bike safety). Well, Hailey's old bike is too small and the next one (Austen's old one), she is not comfortable riding yet so need to get her something that she feels confident riding. Working on that as most of her friends like to ride their bikes to school. She does like the independence of walking to and from school too this year and it's even better when her friends are with her.
I think they both are off to a great school year. Cheer practices have started. Hailey has gotten some soccer practices/games under her belt, and Peyton starts swimming again after Labor Day. Off to a great year!