Three Kids and a Dog

Friday, August 30, 2024

Labor Day 2024

We thought we might have a few days in Michigan over Labor Day Weekend but it resulted in just 24 hours of fun. Friday night, Austen had a soccer game and Peyton had to cheer at her first high school football game (more on that in a later post). On Saturday, Austen had another game and then Austen and Peyton both had parties that they wanted to go to that night over going to Michigan. So Tom and I took Hailey to dinner. This is what it's going to look and feel like when she's the only one left at home and the other two are in college. Seems like it's happening way too fast. I told Hailey on her way to one of  Austen's games last week (that she got dragged to) that this is the last first high school game you will ever have to go to because next year at this time, he will be in college. She grew quiet for a moment contemplating what that might look and feel like. After a moment, she responded with "I wish it was Peyton who was leaving."

Anyway, we enjoyed our dinner and the two older ones enjoyed their parties and then the next morning we woke up and drove to Michigan. It was a bit cool there and pretty windy so not a good beach day. Tom and  Peyton went for a hike while I went to the grocery store. The other two stayed home and relaxed before we headed to dinner in Holland. The next day (Monday) happened to be sunny but the kids decided it was a little too cool for the beach still so we ended up going apple picking. Last year, was the first year we didn't make it apple picking in forever so it felt good to get it in early. We did get some choice apples too that are always gone when we are forced to go later in the season due to schedules. We did skip the corn maze this year and the apple cider and the apple cider donuts. These kids are getting older and definitely voicing what they want to do and don't want to do so they were pretty clear that it was just apple picking. We did manage to get them to pose for a few traditional photos. And, I was just glad that I got those. After apple picking, it was home to IL to get ready for Peyton's tumbling practice so we didn't have much time to enjoy our Labor Day up there but we still got some fun things in to kick off Fall.


Friday, August 23, 2024

Off to 5th Grade

Before Hailey started 5th Grade on Tuesday, we had one last summer hurrah with her friends. 

We started with picking up four of her friends and then had lunch at Chick Fil A before heading down to the city to check out the Museum of Ice Cream. 

It was actually Peyton’s idea to go there and she was not happy with me taking Hailey and her friends while she was in school. Turns out though that the Museum of Ice Cream is very cute but I think geared more toward younger kids. 

When we arrived, we all needed to be creative and think up an ice cream name for ourselves. Hailey was Hailey Hot Fudge and I was K-Ron Cookie. 

They then of course gave us ice cream and ushered us through the first part of the museum which were a bunch of rooms with facts about ice cream or games you could play. Of course there was more ice cream to eat in every room (we probably didn't need to eat the Chick Fil A beforehand!).  The Sprinkle Pool capped off the end of the Museum and the girls had so much fun jumping into the pool of sprinkles. It was a great way to end the summer.

The next morning, it was off to 5th grade. Hailey did want us to walk with her to school so both Tom and I accompanied her and didn't get at all nostalgic that this will be our last year at Prospect Elementary School after 11 years there! 

Chick Fil A for Lunch

Ice Cream!

Hailey does not know how to blow up a balloon!



It takes a lot of work to make ice cream!

More games!

Riding the animal crackers

The sprinkle pool!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Here We Go - Senior and Freshman Year!

Senior Year
It's official! School started today for my high schoolers and I have a Senior and a Freshman! I haven't had kids in the same school in three years and now finally just two schools for me which means less emails and less drop offs and pick ups!

Actually, Peyton started earlier this morning while Austen started at noon because they kicked off the school year with a freshman orientation so she took the bus this morning. A first for her since we have been close enough for all of my kids to walk to their elementary and middle schools. Most of the time Austen will drive her which makes her incredibly spoiled as a freshman especially since he gets to park in the Senior Lot first semester (you only get to park in the lot as a Senior and for only one semester due to space constraints). 

Freshman Year
I think Peyton was excited to start school but of course nervous about the usuals - finding her classes, having friends in her classes and sitting with her friends at lunch. She's happy that she found someone she knows in each of her classes and has a slew of friends already lined up for a lunch table. I'm interested in seeing how she handles school with having an extra curricular sport for both fall/winter season. Her big brother has given her lots of advice on classes which she has barely listened to because of course she knows everything already. She's also very into Homecoming - already has her dress and made me make a hair appointment - hopefully she gets a date! 

Austen has a challenging schedule still as a Senior and is on his way to applying to colleges. He's started his fall soccer season and has completed his personal essay, online architecture portfolio (required for selective architecture schools - yes, he wants to be an architect!) and is about halfway through about 14 of his supplemental essay questions. Of course he's visited about 25 schools total and only two of those are ones he actually has seen! So I guess we will be doing some college visits if/when he gets in to some of these. Of course, Tom's and my alma maters are not on his list! (Mine doesn't have a bachelor's in architecture though otherwise it might be on there but only as a safety or maybe a target school.) 

Anyway, big and fun year for both of them...excited it's finally here! Next up...Hailey heads back to school on Tuesday. 

Friday, August 09, 2024

Spending Time w/ the Girls

She is so happy!
Austen has been away most of the summer doing college visits and soccer ID Camps so the girls and I have had some time to do the things that make them happy. One recent weekend while the boys were in Pittsburgh, the girls and I dropped them off at the airport, hit Starbucks and then headed to Oakbrook Mall for some back to school shopping. After they (Peyton) did some damage, we went home to take Sadie out and then settle in for the crepes from a local restaurant for dinner.

We had big plans on Saturday though. Hailey remembered that Barnes and Noble bookstores across the country were having special events to highlight a new book in a series that she reads - Warrior Cats - and she really wanted to go. Oakbrook was sold out so we drove 75 minutes one way to Rockford on Saturday so she could participate in this event. She was very happy when we arrived. They had games, raffle prizes and the new graphic novel as well as some free giveaways. Hailey was in her element. 

I must say though she was probably the most "normal" looking person there. I never much was into those kind of fantasy books when I was a kid but Hailey loves them. Anyway, she ended up winning a Warrior Cat bag (like we need more bags!) and was thrilled with the event so it was worth the drive. 

We headed home and after spending some time with Sadie we went to dinner at Jo Jo's shake shack where we got some delicious salads (really truly a great salad that rates up there with the best I've had) and Hailey got a cheeseburger and then we got two crazy good shakes. What a treat!

On Sunday, after grocery shopping and some sports (vball for Hailey), we picked up the guys at the airport and headed home. It was a good weekend filled with everything they both wanted to do. 

Filling out the activity sheet

She won a bag!

Warrior Cats!

The Girl Scout Shake

Another Shake Masterpiece

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Our Labor of Love

At almost 8.5 years, Sadie has almost outlived the life expectancy of her breed's 7-9 year average. I attribute it to lots of love, money and work! Plus, she truly is the best dog and will literally let you do anything to her. She's a trooper and I'm sure the way her body has failed her has not been easy for her either. 

And it certainly has not been easy for us. For awhile (years now), she cannot get up on her own so it takes Tom or me to move her multiple times a day around the house and to lift her when she needs to go outside.

Keeping Sadie company
We live in a house with multiple stairs to get her outside even if she just exists on the main level too so taking her outside for even just a short walk is a challenge. She's 110 pounds so imagine moving a dog of this size and weight multiple times a day and trying not to injure yourself as you balance her against your leg to get her outside so she can go to the bathroom. Last year, I invested in a carrying harness to get her upstairs to our bedroom each night for mostly when I have to do this by myself when Tom is gone. Let's just say I definitely get my workout in as I take on the 15 plus stairs and am breathing hard at the top but it's so much safer for her and us if we take her up like this instead of her trying to walk up the stairs and us trying to support her.  

She has an array of medications which change frequently as her condition worsens or she has side effects from some medications (like frequent urination which is really fun to deal with when you have a dog that takes awhile to get out of the house). We order boots for her feet so she doesn't get bloody abrasions on the top of her paws from knuckling and dragging them. But first, we put this shoe goo on the top of the boots to make them last longer from the frequent wear and tear. I usually fix up a good 8 shoes every few months (she wears them on her front paws only) with Peyton or Tom's help. 

She gets regular acupuncture and laser treatments plus lots of car rides. I try to hoist her up into the back of my SUV daily to get her out and about. She absolutely loves car rides so I make a point of taking her as often as possible. I just wish it was easier to get her into my car. If it was, I'd take her everywhere multiple times a day. 

We are extremely lucky though. We don't leave her too often but we have an amazing boarding facility that we can leave her at when we do go on vacation and can't take her. They are so great with her and do all the things we do at home with her so it's a great relief to us that we have a place like this that can give us a little reprieve. In fact, when we went to Switzerland/Italy, she stayed at the boarding facility instead of tasking Austen with her. He can handle her but a week of being the sole person responsible for her care is too much especially with a lot of stairs. 

Hoping to change up her medications again soon too to find the right combination that will give her a little more mobility and us a little bit of a break so the calluses on my right hand heal a bit. Through all this she's been absolutely the most lovable dog and all of her doctors and nurses always comment on how chill she is and how much love she has to give. 

Now I gotta go because it's almost time to take Sadie out and getting her shoes on, lifting her up, getting her yoga mats in position to build a bridge to the door so I can get her down the 7 steps to the grass (before she pees) is going to take me 5-10 minutes at least just in preparation!

Lots of love for our Sadie girl