Recently, Hailey had four teeth pulled. They were ones that we had waited and waited to fall out but they never did so finally after her mouth looked so crowded (like a Shark's mouth would), her dentist said he needed to pull them. Our pediatric dentist is amazing. He is so gentle with all the kiddos and treats a lot of kids with special needs too. He's also a family friend so that certainly helps. Hailey was less than excited to get four teeth pulled but she really loves her dentist and trusts him so she decided I didn't need to go back with her. She emerged from the back a little bloody but with four teeth in a cute, little plastic tooth carrying case. The dentist said he was glad we finally pulled them because the roots on three out of four of the teeth were still sooo long they would never have fallen out even though she had her second teeth already growing in behind them.
Anyway, not a big deal at all for Hailey and I didn't make it into a big deal either so she went to religious ed less than an hour later and came home to put out her teeth for the Tooth Fairy. That night, the Tooth Fairy doesn't come. She must've forgot! (Sigh, it happens.) Hailey declares at breakfast that she wants a refund (the teeth put back in) because that darn Tooth Fairy didn't come! Shit, I think, I better get on that Tooth Fairy and she better remember for the next night. I tell Hailey something about the Tooth Fairy being old and forgetful then I put a $20 (four teeth pulled and religious ed after earned her this much) on my mantle by Sadie's bedtime treats so I'll remember for sure the next night. And, I do. I mean the Tooth Fairy does. She slips into Hailey's room, puts down the $20 and takes the plastic tooth case with the teeth.
The next morning, Hailey comes down to breakfast confused. "I got $20," she says, "but the Tooth Fairy didn't take my teeth." She then goes on to explain how she took her teeth out of the plastic tooth case and laid them on her white night stand because she thought the Tooth Fairy couldn't see them the night before in the plastic case and that's why she didn't come. Oh brother, I think, I just assumed the teeth were in there! Shoot! Tooth Fairy blows it again. So I tell her to leave them out again and maybe she'll come back for them. She gives me the $20 to put with her money that I keep in my room and Tom tells me to take that $20 and give it back to her the next night so she'll think she got $40! So the next night, I creep into her room, scoop up the little, white teeth and leave the money. And, the next morning she is much happier when she came down thinking she made $40. I guess the Tooth Fairy doesn’t suck!