Three Kids and a Dog

Tuesday, September 04, 2012


"Where are we going?" asked Peyton.
"Home," I replied.
"No, we're not," she said matter of factly.

This was my conversation with Peyton for much of our 10 hour trip home from Hershey, Pennsylvania yesterday.  Either she really liked Hershey or she's in that phase where she asks the same question over and over just to annoy you!

We started off our adventure at the amusement park.  Austen rode a roller coaster and we all went on a big boat roller coaster.

Peyton's favorite rides were definitely ones with cars and horses (mainly the carousel).  She is really into horses lately. Austen said his favorite ride was the "Scrambler."  The one that goes round and round and whips you from side to side making you think you're going to crash into the fence just as it whips you back the other way.  He did like driving the cars too. Here are some shots from our 1.5 days of rides!

We also went to chocolate world where you toured a simulated factory.  We saw a 3D show about Hershey and also got to make our own desserts.  Here's Peyton and Austen making theirs.

Hershey was a good time, but I have to say I don't think I'll be having any more chocolate for awhile.


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