Three Kids and a Dog

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Austen's Big Dilemma

The other day we are riding home from school in the car and like every day, I ask the kids what they did that day.  Austen responds with "Mommy, I have a big problem."  So I ask what his big problem is.  He responds, "I have three girlfriends and I need to pick one to marry."  He is so serious when he is talking to me that it's all I can do to keep from laughing.  I said, why do you need to pick one, why can't they all be your girlfriends?  He said, they are all saying 'pick me, pick me!'  And, he said if he doesn't pick one they will all be sad. I told him that he is not getting married until he's 30 anyway so he has a long time and he'll probably marry someone else anyway.  He seemed satisfied by this until about an hour later when he informs he's marrying someone totally different in his class. I'm sure all the girls will be happy about that.

I told Austen that the girls like him because he's cute, nice and smart.

"And, I have good hair," he adds.

Ah, the life of a five year old with big problems.


  • just blog walking, really like this story. super funny. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:16 AM  

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