Three Kids and a Dog

Monday, October 09, 2017

Blessing of the Pets

I never went to a Blessing of the Pets ceremony at church before so when Austen and Peyton's religious education program marked it as one way to meet their religious obligations, I put it on the calendar. Besides Sadie could use all the blessings she can get after 2 surgeries all before 18 months of age.. So after hemming and hawing, the kids and I climbed back in the car after school last week to go to church.

I heard a lot of, "How long is this going to take?", "why do we have to go?", and "I'm staying home!"  But once we arrived in the church courtyard and Peyton saw the bunny that came and Hailey saw all the other animals, they were glad they showed up. Plus, the whole ceremony was only 10 minutes and Austen got brownie points from his old religious ed teacher who was there. Double bonus!

Sadie was excited to see everyone and tried to eat the holy water as she was blessed. I'm glad I took her though as God was definitely watching out for her today when she broke out of her harness and tried to shimmy up a tree after a squirrel!



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