Three Kids and a Dog

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Sadie Turns 6!

That's 42 in dog years (I'm still older than her) but still we celebrate every year that this pup makes it. So on Sunday, off we went to the dog bakery to pick up a cake and some special treats for Sadie so we could celebrate her on February 28! 

The girls made her cards (one nice, one not so nice) and gave her lots of love. Peyton wrote:

Dear Sadie,

I love you! I hope you enjoy your treats! Happy b-day! Hope you have the best day ever! 

With Love, 


Hailey's card was quite a different story:

Dear Sadie,

You're a wonderful and fat dog. Thank you for drooling all over my seat and ripping my bow. You're a helpless dog to have. 

Lots of Love,


Then she adds next to a picture of a dog (Sadie), "I do diddly squats every day. I sure do!"

What?! Anyway, Sadie had lots of love and attention (at least from me) and I took her for a car ride (her favorite) and a walk (not her favorite - I think for her birthday, she would have preferred to lay in the yard and get no exercise but still we walked because it was a beautiful day and she needed to get out of the house). 

That night we celebrated with a special peanut butter cake and some treats. (No toys for her birthday this year as she really just prefers food!). 

She's done well health-wise this past year. Just trying to figure out how she can get up more on her own now that her knees are fully healed (and how we can get her to walk more!). 

Sadie's favorite place - the car!


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