Three Kids and a Dog

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Hailey Begins Basketball

Not a bad vertical for a 2nd grader

This past weekend, we got to watch Hailey be our third kid to experience our local basketball league. She has begged me for the past two years to sign her up for basketball but our local league actually didn't start until 2nd grade due to COVID. 

So here we are. First practice was Friday. Practice starts at 5pm so I tell her at 4:30pm that she needs to start getting ready because her car pool will be here soon to pick her up. She has a complete melt down that I shouldn't have signed her up to play. Really?! I can't believe what I'm hearing after the 2 years of begging. What she doesn't like is the fact that she is now home and playing in her room with a long weekend in sight and now she has to delay her weekend iPad time too and get ready to go to basketball for an hour. After a brief delay, she gets herself together and is ready when her friends come to pick her up.

She had a great time she tells me when she comes home. (I think she may enjoy car pooling with her friends more than any sport though.) She goes back the next day for her first game with little complaining. She's on the Bulldogs with other 2nd graders (some are her classmates) and her dad is the coach. She does pretty well for having only one game and one practice. She's getting used to staying with the opposing player with the same color wristband (this is how they teach them who to guard). She does some good passing, and her dribbling isn't bad either. Lots of room for improvement but she had fun and that's all that matters. 

Softball signs ups for spring came out this past weekend too. I asked her if she wanted to sign up with her friends. She said yes. We videotaped her so when she yells at me for signing her up, she can't say, I didn't say to sign me up! 

There she is our #7


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