Three Kids and a Dog

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day!

A few weeks ago when I was in Costco, I noticed some heart shaped Raviolis and thought they'd be perfect for Valentine's Day. Peyton especially loves the Shamrock raviolis that we get from there for St. Patrick's Day and I think it's kind of a nod to my Italian and Irish roots. 

So this time I thought we'd switch it up and go from having heart shaped pizzas on Valentine's Day to having some Valentine Ravioli. The girls loved it - Austen not so much. He's not a big fan or ricotta cheese. He doesn't like Lasagna or Raviolis or really a lot of cheese at all. He does okay with the mini tortellinis as there isn't much cheese in there but anything with a lot of cheese and he instantly turns up his nose. So he ate a few with his meatballs and then went upstairs to finish his homework. Peyton went to swim practice so that left just me, Tom and Hailey to make some Valentine's cookies. 

I had made the dough during the day so it had time to refrigerate and then Tom started rolling out and cutting out cookies that we christened with pink and red sugar crystals or frosted with pink icing once cooled. 

The girls once again loved the cookies while Austen's comment when he finally returned to the kitchen was, "I thought you made chocolate chip cookies? I don't like sugar cookies." Jeez, I guess he's not going to be a very good Valentine for someone in the future! 


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