Three Kids and a Dog

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Another One (Tooth) Bites the Dust

Finally, Hailey's teeth are starting to fall out! She lost her second front tooth this week. It was so loose that it was hurting her when she would bite into anything. Tom convinced her to just twist it out before school one morning. It was so ready, it barely bled. 

I love the missing of the two front teeth and the toothless smile that comes along with it. She's our last one to lose those teeth. Even though she's lost them later than most, it's still a reminder that she's growing up.

The Tooth Fairy brought her (only) $2 now that she has many more to follow and she does not want to go bankrupt. You can see in the picture that those bottom ones have to be the next to fall out as the second teeth are already in and on their way to pushing out the baby bottom teeth. I feel a lot of toothless smiles in our future!


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