Three Kids and a Dog

Monday, May 03, 2021

Hailey Loses Her First Tooth!

It took 7.5 years but Hailey finally lost her first tooth! I think she was the oldest of the three to lose her first tooth but those things just don't seem to fall out. In fact, she's got teeth on the bottom growing in behind but they aren't pushing out the baby ones. We call them her shark teeth! 

Anyway, it was almost time for 1st grade pictures and I really wanted her to get at least one of her front teeth out in time. Both are extremely wiggly. And, she managed to pull one out two days before (mostly because picture day got moved due to weather since we have to be outside to take off your mask). It happened at school where all my kids have lost their first tooth. She said she was eating lunch and it popped right out. Of course she had to go to the nurse, get a new mask and then they popped it right in a special treasure chest for safe keeping. Those school nurses are always prepared!

She carefully laid out her tooth treasure chest with the lid open on her night stand that evening. The tooth fairy came that night and brought her $15, a membership to Wild Craft (her favorite online game) and a book she wanted. First tooth gone always gets you some good stuff! 

Looks like we'll have more tooth fairy visits very soon too!

Right after school she showed me her missing tooth


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