Three Kids and a Dog

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Austen Turns 14!

Yesterday, we celebrated Austen's 14th birthday. Hard to believe that next year at this time he'll be eligible to get his drivers permit. The years certainly go fast and I'm sure the next four years leading up to college will go even faster. 

Austen is definitely turning into a full-fledged teenager. Lots of eye-rolls, being mean to his sister (Peyton), hiding out in his room or playing video games with friends (which is happening only because he has lots of free time with no sports due to the pandemic). He definitely has strong opinions now about what he will and won't wear and how he wants to do his hair. He doesn't want to wear a coat to school because none of these kids wear coats and in freezing temps. It's just hoodies and sweatpants all day long. So it didn't surprise me when he was very specific about what he wanted for his birthday. 

It started with his request for french toast casserole for breakfast. Then he wanted his hot ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch. He wanted me to drive him to school so he didn't have to walk (wearing no coat) and pick him up. Then it was his favorite snack - nutella and banana wrapped in a tortilla and sliced just so. After he finished his homework, he wanted to go to Top Golf for dinner and some fun (that worked out well since it was one of the few places where we could be outside, enjoy dinner and have fun while still being warm due to their heated bays). 

He had a lot of fun at Top Golf. Probably only made better if his friends could come. But he got lots of presents from golf clothes, glove and balls to some more hoodies and a new baseball bat and glove to lots of gift cards and money from family. He said he had a great birthday made better by me allowing him to finally get Instagram and by his friends all posting Happy Birthday messages to him on Snap Chat. I told him when you get older, it's your friends who really make your birthday special too. He's lucky to have a group of 8 boys that he hangs out with who are all good friends. We'll see if that lasts when he turns 15 and they all head to high school. For now though, he's enjoying being a 14 year old boy amid the pandemic even though it has limited his sports and he had to miss the fall cross country season and likely his spring volleyball one for his middle school. Hoping we will be able to see him graduate from middle school in late spring/early summer as well as watch him play his multitude of sports this spring.


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