Three Kids and a Dog

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

What We Do For Our Pets

It's no surprise to many that I consider Sadie my fourth born child with special needs. (I considered Adler my first.) Since she was 14 months old, we've been dealing with a number of issues with her. She requires a lot of time and a lot of care. She can't get up without one of us assisting her so there's a lot of lifting and attention needed just to make sure she can get what she needs like a drink of water or down the stairs to even just go to the bathroom. Things that most people/dogs would take for granted. 

We've done a lot for Sadie trying to make her whole again and after 2.5 years and diagnoses of Wobblers and arthritis, we are dealing now with two bilateral knee tears. We're lucky because she can walk pretty well with her combinations of pain medication but that coupled with her arthritis once again had me seeking alternative methods to improve her quality of life. I'm not content to just let her be and say that we've done everything we can for her. Just like one of my kids, I'm going to advocate for her and figure out the best course of treatment that can help her. 

She has been getting regular courses of acupuncture and physiotherapy but I wanted something more long term that would reduce the number of pills she takes every day. I had read that stem cell therapy was very safe and effective in curing arthritis and repairing knees in dogs especially for Berners. I called the stem cell company and asked some questions. Got a referral to a physician in the city and Sadie had her consultation this past Saturday. It was a long appointment made more challenging by curbside care due to COVID but the doctor is very optimistic and believes that the stem cell therapy could significantly improve Sadie's life where she would be able to climb stairs again on her own and get up from a sitting position. The results too can last anywhere from 1-5 years as well. I'm hoping for closer to 5. 

Her procedure is scheduled for early 2021 and I think that has to be a sign too. Good things coming in 2021 for all of us and Sadie too!



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