Three Kids and a Dog

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Crazy Sayings and Crazy Hair

I'm trying to remember and write down all the funny things that my kids say and Hailey says enough of them that I have an arsenal of material. Last week at school, the kids were taking the COGAT test (another standardized test) but it was for 2nd-5th graders. They made this announcment through the intercom at school and after school when Hailey and Peyton got into my car, Hailey asked Peyton why all the 2nd through 5th graders had to take the COVID test! Ha! Then when she couldn't remember the Christmas movie we were going to watch, she called it "The Egg" instead of the "The Elf!" I know there are more but I can't seem to remember them all, hence why I need to write them down when I hear them. Lots of crazy sayings lately but also last week was crazy hair day at school (one of my least favorite spirit week days), But I acquiesced and the girls had choices for their hair and I was armed with color and ideas. However, neither of them wanted paint/chalk in their hair because they didn't want to have to come home and take a shower. Ha! Peyton chose some Princess Lea ensemble while Hailey went with a holiday theme (glad we went to that Xmas town in Michigan last year and I was able to think ahead to crazy hair days and buy a kit that made what Hailey wanted super easy!). So spirit week was a success!


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