Three Kids and a Dog

Monday, December 04, 2017

Never Help a Child...

at a task he/she feels he/she can succeed at. That's a quote from Maria Montessori and one that I've known to be true since my kids started Montessori when Austen was 10  months old. We've been believers ever since.

Still, with our third it was easier to help her get dressed, put on her shoes or zip her coat when we were in a hurry to get out the door than to allow her the time to do it herself. I was reminded of this recently when I attended her school parent night where the kids show you the work they do during their time at school. I was surprised that Hailey could zip her own coat! I hadn't even attempted teaching her how to do this at home but as soon as I saw her do it at school I was reminded of how much I'm not allowing her to do what she can do. Yes, it takes more time but it's going to give me more time to do other things while she's dressing herself, zipping her coat, putting on her shoes or going to the bathroom. She's capable of doing all of these things on her own (maybe with a little help to reach the faucet for hand washing) but she's very able.

Also at her parent night I was impressed with how much confidence she had going around the room and showing me all the different work she can do. Watch her as she masters coffee making, uses a spoon to transfer pebbles from bowl to bowl, and tweezes corn kernels from a cob. Great hand eye coordination/fine motor skills!


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