Three Kids and a Dog

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Peyton Livin' It Up in DC Right Now

On the plane
It's finally here. The much anticipated DC Trip for the 8th grade. There's been drama surrounding it mostly in cases of choosing roommates. As my friend so kindly put it, "It's like the Hunger Games, and it's every girl (and some boys) for themselves!" Her daughter was actually one of the ones who got left out of a room and was desperate for a roommate. Peyton had her room of four (which probably had changed three times already until I finally told her to stop talking about it and I didn't want to hear it anymore). So to make a long story short, my friend called me desperate for some help with the room situation. I felt bad and would hope that one of my friends would help me out in a similar situation. I talked to Peyton. She was upset that she even had to consider switching rooms but understood the situation and amazingly (because we think she thinks about herself most of the time) had deep empathy for her friend (who used to be her bestie in elementary school but now that are not as close although still friends). Even though she didn't want to switch rooms, she agreed to give it some thought. Meanwhile, the 40 plus year old moms of the other girls who my friend also asked if we could make two rooms with three girls in each gave her the cold shoulder and basically told her it was her and her daughter's problem. To say I was shocked by this behavior was an understatement especially when we are good friends with one of the other moms. I told Peyton if 40 plus year old women can't even handle this situation with care it's no wonder that the girls are struggling. 

At any rate, Peyton talked to the teacher in charge (who was so impressed by Peyton's selflessness and nominated her for student of the month - which she won) and agreed to switch rooms if she could find two other roommates. And, as soon as Peyton switched rooms, two other girls came forward wanting to room with them so it all worked out. Phew! 

Alas, here we are. I bought the insurance for the trip because Peyton has not slept a night away from Tom or I or a family member (grandparent) since her Camp Tecumseh experience heading into the 3rd grade. That means she has not done a sleepover since then. So I wasn't sure she really was going to let herself do it. She was more than ready in my opinion but she needed to just let go. And, she did. 

She left yesterday and I heard from her this morning. She's having so much fun. Of course she said the hotel was just "okay" and they had to fly Southwest (ha!) but she was having a ball and she "loved me so much." I am so excited for her to have this experience with her friends too and to have some independence to show her that she can mostly certainly be away from a family member and still thrive. The only thing she did say though was that she didn't get much sleep and she was tired. Oh my kids, they thrive on their sleep because we instill bedtimes for them (even Austen when he's not at a late practice) and I'm so glad that's something we did. They are healthier because of it. 

Anyway, wishing P the best DC trip! After the Capitol Tour and the museums today, they are off to a Washington Nationals game. How fun!

Breakfast time - P is in red


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