Three Kids and a Dog

Thursday, November 02, 2023

I'm 50!

Dear 50, 

Thanks for showing up and ushering me into a whole new decade with lots of attention from my friends and family. It was nice to be loved even though I don't relish in lots of attention (surprising, I know) and truthfully, I dislike people spending money on me (unless it's my husband!). 

Make a wish!
But soo many people wanted to make my birthday special this year that it really made me pause and take in how many true friends I really have and how many family members wanted to really celebrate me. I truly am beyond blessed with so many wonderful friends from so many different areas of my life from high school to college; to my mom friends for each of my three kids; to people I met at my country club the past three years and have really enjoyed getting to know; and to people in my Barre exercise classes in the community that I've know for the past 5 years. 

I'm also very lucky to have family and in laws that I enjoy spending time with although the time is very short right now but who I'd love to grab dinner with and seem more like friends than family. That includes my parents who both made an effort to come on over to celebrate me even though they didn't have to. As you get older you learn life is more about your relationships and your journey in life is that much richer with a beautiful tapestry of friends from all different points in your life who you can take with you on this ride.

So many gifts and cards!

So while 50 might seem like a big number (and truthfully I was always mistaken for being much younger than I was so I'm not too worried about looking older - yet), I'm looking forward to a decade of guiding my children into college and careers, and spending more time traveling with my husband. So bring it on 50, I think each decade gets better and better!



PS. I had a great birthday where I started my morning with a paddle match with my awesome teammates. We had a great game despite losing in the 3rd set but it was so much fun celebrating afterwards with them. They bought me cupcakes, sang to me and made me blow out a candle to mark my 50 years. After that, it was home to take out Sadie where I ran into neighbors wishing me a Happy Birthday to a quick meet up and coffee with Tom before heading to my 80-minute massage at the spa. Then it was back home for a bit before my Dad came over and then on to my favorite place for dinner (Davanti) then presents and Sweet Mandy B cupcakes (also my favorite). It was a great day and the birthday festivities continued the next day with my mom coming over and will continue all month with some other dinners planned with friends. Heck, it's really going to last all year with a 50th college friend bday trip and some amazing family trips we have planned. Did I say I was looking forward to 50?!

Celebrating with my paddle teammates


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