Three Kids and a Dog

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Tom Visits Hailey's Class

Just before Spring Break, Hailey's teacher sent out an email asking parents who had STEM-related jobs if they would like to come into the classroom and talk to the kids about their work. With Hailey's permission, Tom sent an email back to the teacher saying that he'd be more than happy to talk about architecture and how it relates to STEM. 

The teacher took him up on his offer so off he went one Monday morning (three days before we had to leave for Spring Break) to talk with Hailey's class. Tom designs schools so we thought this would make an even better presentation AND he had moveable "blocks" so the kids could move the blocks (which were components of a school - gym, library, cafeteria, classrooms, etc.) around and design their own school too.  

The class seemed interested in Tom's work and presentation, and Tom came home that night saying it went well. Then Hailey's teacher sends out the pictures of Tom's presentation and Hailey's face tells the entire story of what she thought of her Dad coming to school! 

"Dad," she said, "I already knew all the stuff you were talking about so it was boring!" (Hailey used to be our easiest kid but now she definitely has her own opinions and she'll gladly tell you what they are!) 

"Next time," said Tom, "I won't take time out of my workday three days before I have to go on vacation when I am slammed at work to come to your school!" 

She's definitely not our easiest kid anymore. But hopefully someday she'll realize how cool it was that her Dad came in to talk about his job and to spend the time with her class. 

 The pictures though...they tell it all!
Hailey is in black, arms crossed
Top left corner, looking thrilled
Far back center - is this over yet?


  • I think that it so great that Tom took the time to teach these kids about his profession. I hope 20 years from now one of these kids reach out to Tom to tell him that they are an architect because of him!!

    By Blogger Donna A, at 6:52 PM  

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