Three Kids and a Dog

Friday, March 17, 2023

That's a Wrap on 3rd Grade Basketball Season

Our #4 takes the shot
Hailey finished her basketball season a few Saturdays ago. Her team was virtually unstoppable killing most teams by more than 15 points (although they did lose by one basket to one team). Hailey can play a mean defense, scored two baskets this season and preferred to pass the ball most games instead of dribbling (she said why dribble when as soon as I bounce it, someone is going to steal it!). 

Hailey did enjoy her season though with some friends from her school and others from "across the tracks" who she will be going to middle school with when she reaches the 6th grade. She said she still wants to play next year too which is the exact opposite of what her two older siblings said after third grade basketball.

Austen was tired of being on the losing team all the time so he said don't sign me up for that anymore because you pass these kids the ball and they don't even move! (In his defense, he usually was on a team with the most unathletic kids. Parents would tell us how good he was and I would think to myself, he's not that good, these other kids are just terrible so it makes him look really good!). Ha! And, Peyton, well she just didn't want to play anymore. I feel like she quit most things in 3rd, 4th or 5th grade and now she's regretting not sticking with some of these team type sports. She loves swimming but she's not getting the same team spirit as you do from some other sports (at least not until high school). She does want to quit cheerleading now too but honestly she's quit so many things that I'm not letting her quit her extracurriculars anymore. She said she does want to try Track and Field for middle school when that starts after spring break and maybe she'll try water polo too. 

Anyway, as I've always said to them, I don't care what you do. Forge your own path. It doesn't have to be the same thing as your sibling but you do have to do something! (Hailey would prefer to play in her room all day!)


Defending the dribble (she's in white)

Making the steal!


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