Three Kids and a Dog

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Halloween 2022

It's been a whirlwind of practices and games, competitions and meets the last few months but we found time to celebrate Halloween. Hailey declared early on that she was wearing the same costume as last year (Peyton's old costume) which made it easy for us. Peyton sent me her costume components on Amazon so all I had to do was click a button and order some not very expensive costume (Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses). 

Our fox!
We started off the day with Hailey coming home for lunch and getting dressed in her costume so she could go back to school and participate in her school's Halloween parade where parents could come and watch. But, she didn't really want me to come so wouldn't even let me get a good shot of her at the parade (she's so adamant about not wanting me to volunteer at school or come to any of her school things. I walk her to the corner every day to meet her friends to walk to school and she doesn't want me to do that either anymore.) She definitely is the more independent one which should make things easier as she gets older - maybe?! Anyway, some friends got some shots of her and I managed to get a few side profile shots of her in during the parade. 

After school, she rushed home to eat a quick snack and take off for her friend's neighborhood Halloween parade and do a little trick or treating with friends around her neighborhood. Tom took her and chaperoned from afar since I was getting Peyton off to her own trick or treating extravaganza and had to hand out candy at our own house. At 5pm, Tom returned with Hailey and sat out front with a friend to hand out candy while Hailey and her friend canvassed our street for more loot. I had to run to pick up Austen at soccer practice so I needed a reliever. 

I think Hailey was done by 6:45pm. Peyton was at her friend's house by 7pm, and had a nice dinner there, and finally home by 9pm. It was a busy day that went so fast. Next year, I'm thinking Hailey is off trick or treating by herself with her friends as she'll be 10, and it will be Peyton's last year for dressing up. After that, she can hand out the candy! 

The Hawaiian girls!

Parade! Don't take a picture of me, mom!

Her only pose!


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