Three Kids and a Dog

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Day 2 of E-Learning

What day is it? I don't even know. I guess I should have posted yesterday but I've been busy trying to get my house stocked with food for the week (not the month like some people are doing) and getting my kids on an e-learning schedule.

This COVID-19 virus is real. At first, I was like many others thinking it's not that bad but after sitting at Austen's soccer game last Wednesday night with a large number of his teammates' parents who are all in different medical specialties, I decided that I better start taking this seriously. They were all very worried. Still are. In our community there are so many medical professionals on the front lines of this horrible, horrible virus. They are terrified about what this could mean. Some are doing ICU rotations and worried about being exposed and what they could be bringing home to their own families. So if our medical professionals are terrified and anxious why are so many of us walking around town thinking it won't affect us? If you don't care enough about yourself to do the right thing, please stay home for your families.

This is an unprecedented time. I can only imagine how it must've felt for my aunts to be restricted to their houses in Italy during World War II. My generation has never experienced anything like this. I think soon, we will be restricted in Chicago to our homes as well. Since Sunday, our family has been practicing social distancing and staying home aside from going to the grocery store or walking the dog.

Most people are canceling their spring breaks while others try to capitalize on lower airfares. We will be canceling our trip to Hawaii. My kids are devastated but we can always go to Hawaii. Our lives are more important and the greater good is more important.

Our schools are closed for at least three weeks. We began e-learning on Monday. Sunday night I created a schedule for my kids. I make them get up, get dressed, eat, make their beds and be ready to learn by 9am. Austen and Peyton are set up in our office while Hailey does her e-learning with me in the kitchen/family room. Austen is pretty self sufficient. Peyton needs a little guidance and reviewing of her daily work. Hailey is pretty much hands on for at least 1.5-2 hours a day. I realized yesterday that she needs more breaks than the other two. She can't go a full 1.5 hours without getting up. She's really good but the most I've worked with her is 45 minutes straight before e-learning. Definitely saw her focus waning at 1.5 hours so I adjusted today and she did better. We take breaks walking the dog and playing outside. Today, Austen and I played Foot Pong (a version of soccer) and I beat him! Peyton rode her bike up and down our driveway, Hailey kept score and shot some baskets. Sadie laid on the mulch and got up suddenly to try to chase a squirrel. Luckily, Austen grabbed her harness before she could blow out her other knee!

Tom is still working - sometimes from home (in the basement - I'm running out of space to put people!) and sometimes has a meeting where he tells me they are using social distancing or he's measuring a building by himself. We've told the grandparents we will not be visiting them and don't want them to come over either. This. Shit. Is. Real.

Not sure how long we'll need to be social distanced from everyone but I'm hoping if we all do it then it'll be over that much sooner and we can get back to life as we know it.

Be safe everyone. Oh and enjoy the highlight of our day today - being on the news for e-learning (don't worry, the news studio required six feet of social distancing so we didn't touch and microphones were set on tables in front of us.)


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