Three Kids and a Dog

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day 2018

My perfect Mother's Day would be beautiful weather (say 70 degrees), a leisurely brunch outside and then the afternoon spent watching a soccer game or two.

Now, the weather did cooperate today and while not 70 degrees, it was warmer than anticipated and the rain held out. Our soccer coaches decided to give the moms the day off from soccer so there were no games today and I decided to forego a calorie-laden brunch to continue in my quest for good nutrition. Still it proved to be a good day without those seemingly "perfect" items.

First, I got to sleep past 9am (even though I heard Hailey shouting Peyton's name at 7:20am because she wanted her to wake up and go downstairs with her). Then Tom made the kids breakfast and took out the dog while I took a leisurely shower. I opened presents and cards and my favorites were the ones the kids made me at school (a small dish from Hailey and poems from Peyton and Austen). Then we stopped at Starbucks on the way to Grandma's house and enjoyed some time there before returning home for the other Grandma and my siblings and dad to stop over and wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day for a bit.

After that it was on to dinner with just our family where we enjoyed playing trivia about mommy in the car with Hailey guessing many questions correctly including what my favorite family vacation spot was (Austen and Peyton failed to guess the right place). I think this means that I spend a lot of time with Hailey, which is true!

It was a good day (with a bit of whining and craziness mixed in from the kids) to enjoy family and celebrate all the mamas out there.


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