Three Kids and a Dog

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Last Days of School

Today marks the official last day of 8th grade for Peyton. Tomorrow she graduates and will join her brother in high school. How nice it will be to have at least two kids in the same school again (we've been three schools for three years now)!

Last Day of 8th Grade
Peyton and Hailey left for their last walk to school together (well, they walk a good 20 feet apart down the same street - no idea why they can't wait for each other)! And, next year it will be just Hailey making that walk alone while Austen drives Peyton to school. 

During these last few days of school, they've had field day, 8th grade ditch day (which we did not let Peyton partake in and the teachers abundantly rewarded the kids who stayed), award ceremonies (Austen for being the student of the quarter in his architecture class), fun school lunches (pizza!) and projects (Hailey and Tom worked on a food truck). 

It's been a quick year as we wrap up 4th, 8th and 11th grades. But it's been a good solid year for all of them too. Hard to believe that we'll have two in high school next year and Hailey will be finishing up her last year of elementary school. Time moves too quickly sometimes so just enjoying these last few days of school before the craziness of summer hits full on!

Hailey's Crepe Food Truck

Dad drew that!

The back - super cute!

Students of the Quarter (Austen, Architecture)


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