Three Kids and a Dog

Monday, May 13, 2024

Happy Mother's Day 2024

Mother's Day weekend kicked off this year a few days before with brunch and the spa with just me and my mom. We continue this tradition after more than 10 years of doing this (it actually is closer to 15 really) and it's exactly how I want to spend Mother's Day with my mom. We have done this for so long because my kids have so many sports. If it wasn't baseball, it was soccer and on Mother's Day I was always at a game (but there was never any games on Father's Day!).  So we decided to kick off Mother's Day a bit earlier so that we could get in our celebrations together. 

That weekend, only Austen had games this year but they were in Michigan, so after Hailey's Friday night softball game we made the trek up to our place in Michigan - which was only 45 minutes to an hour from where Austen had to play on Saturday and Sunday. 

Games were not that challenging but Austen managed to score from a half volley during the actual Mother's Day game so that was a nice gift for the day. All the boys then presented their moms with flowers after the game. We drove an hour back to our place in Michigan and packed up and drove home - arriving at dinnertime. We went to dinner at a new place called Pella - it's a beautiful mediterranean place and the menu was pretty good too. So we were able to enjoy a nice dinner together as well. 

Another good Mother's Day especially when my kids make me homemade cards that they put a lot of thought and effort into. Austen said he was going to go to the store and buy me a card this year. No, I told him, I love your homemade cards! I'm hoping I'll continue to get them forever from all three of my kids! 


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