Three Kids and a Dog

Monday, November 18, 2024

Hailey's Mouth Surgery

My lunch date!
 The day before my birthday on Nov. 1, Hailey had to have surgery to uncover two teeth buried deep in the roof of her mouth. We had planned this surgery for about a month now and while she could have had it sooner, it interfered with her birthday and then Halloween. So Nov. 1 seemed like a good date and one that  gave her a few days off after to be home and recover. It also gave me more time to prepare her that she was going to have to be put out/get an IV. 

She actually handled all that pretty well. It was the aftermath that has been very difficult. While her healing is going well, she is very, very sore. The oral surgeon said that she was a difficult case and that her recovery time will likely be one week longer due to how deep the teeth were in her mouth and how her front teeth are inverted. 

So I've been her nurse for the past two weeks - trying to keep her medicated so the pain isn't so severe as well as find soft things for her to eat and ones that aren't too cold or too hot. Drinking is hard for her. Taking medicine is hard for her. She pretty much is eating Campbell's Double Noodle Soup and pudding (all varieties although her favorites are double chocolate and tapioca!). 

I've been picking her up from school at lunch so I can dose her with even more medicine so she can get through the day and so she can eat what she wants at home. 

I'm hoping she turns the corner real quick on this recovery time because it has not been a fun few weeks for her at all. 

One of her friends dropped off a stuffed Fox and a "Get Better Soon" card 


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