Three Kids and a Dog

Thursday, June 06, 2024

8th Grade Graduation and State Cup Finalists

Peyton graduated from 8th grade last Friday and kudos to her principal for a very quick ceremony. She joined choir this year and instantly regretted it when she found out she had to sing at her graduation ceremony. I guess that's what you get for changing classes to be with your friends! 

Graduating 8th Grade

Anyway, she mouthed most of the words during her choir performance and was acknowledged in the program for being a Student of the Month this year and being in the Choir. After the ceremony, we celebrated at one of our favorite restaurants, Davanti where we feasted on our favorite focaccia di recco, meatballs, salad, pizza and gnocchi.

The very next day she started her grueling cheer team training/workouts. These girls work so hard. She's come home sore and exhausted but very happy. Two more full weeks of training left before they get July off and come back in August. Whoever says that cheerleaders are not athletes should see what these girls are required to do. It's a heck of a good workout and a lot of muscles in use! Can't wait to see them in action this school year.

Following Peyton's graduation, the next day, Austen also had his State Cup Final Game. They were the defending State Champs for this 2007 age group and were playing the same team they played last year in the final except this year they had a new coach and their starting center back and one of the starting wingers were out due to injury. Galaxy scores first off a direct kick from Austen to their striker who tips it in. He hammers another banger off the top of the crossbar but it doesn't go in. We head into second half 1-0 but for some reason our coach decides to put in some subs at this point. The other team scores the equalizer. Austen again puts us up 2-1 with a header goal. We think this is the game winner but the other team answers not even five minutes later and we head into overtime 2-2. First half of overtime, the score is still tied. Second half of overtime, the opponents score the game winner and there goes their back to back State Champ title. I thought for sure they were going to pull this one out and if they did, I'm quite sure Austen would've been named MVP of the match. Super disappointing. But on to Regionals (since they had already qualified through their league play) in both of their league brackets with first place finishes in each. The State Cup win would've been the trifecta! Next up - Kansas City at the end of the month to advance to the National League playoffs in Orlando in late July. Good luck boys! Go earn your place!

8th Grade Graduation Program

Peyton's name and recognition of Student of the Month and Choir

Austen and his Co-Captain handing out the medals

No one is happy with second place in this picture!


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