Three Kids and a Dog

Friday, July 21, 2023

Peyton Gets Braces!

Finally! We had to pull four teeth that just wouldn't come out to start the process but she's finally on her way to much straighter teeth! 

We sought four opinions/ortho consultations for her mouth. She's missing a lateral (like me) and has a peg lateral on the other side. We won't be able to get an implant for her until she's in her early 20s so it was important for me (going through all of this myself at age 45) to have a solid plan until she reaches her early 20s, and after she gets her braces off. She will need a fake tooth to hold that space in her mouth until she's ready and so many orthos wanted to have a flipper on a retainer that would just be mortifying to a teenage girl. I really liked our new ortho's approach to her case, the way she manages her office and just her confidence with how we will proceed with her plan. This is a different orthodontist than both Austen and I used and so far, it's the one I will stick with for Hailey too.

Anyway, back to Peyton...if anyone could look cute in braces, it's Peyton. Somehow her teeth actually already look better! She chose the traditional braces (there are sooo many options now) but asked for her rubber bands keeping her wire on to be a light shade of purple (for Taylor Swift's lavender haze!). I had her pop some Advil before her appointment but she wasn't too bad. A few days of soreness and eating soft foods and she's good. She's been brushing her teeth better than before but refuses to use the wax on the brackets until her lips toughen up a bit. She also needs to keep her fingers out of her mouth! I swear the first broken bracket or wire will be because she was touching it with her fingers not because she ate something she shouldn't have! 

She's on her way, anyway, to have a beautiful smile! She can't wait! 

Welcome to Peyton!

Before Braces


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